Reducing the workload for professional photographers.


Are you looking to polish your product photography, want to make your portraits really pop or maybe you’ve got a wedding guest or two that need banishing?

Whether it’s removing distractions and objects, cleaning blemishes and enhancing skin or extending backgrounds I’ve got you covered. Retouching can often be a time consuming and faffy task for photographers, but it’s something that I really ENJOY!

I offer non-destructive professional retouching and can supply your photographs ready to send straight to your client!

Do you have something a bit more complex? Guess what? I’m based in Leeds and you can actually talk to me too! Hoorah!

Retouching starts at £4 p/image.

Hand over the Edit.

Outsourcing your editing doesn’t mean you need to compromise on your style AND you don’t have to be chained to your desk for hours after you’ve photographed an event, wedding or spent the last three days photographing corporate headshots.

I’ll happily be the one at the desk for you, whilst you get on with other more important tasks. I offer a basic editing service - in which I will cull or select from your session and edit to match your style.

Editing service starts at £30 p/hour.